Tom Downes


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About Me

I’m a software engineer for the Google Cloud Cluster Toolkit. The Toolkit is an open source tool that makes it easy to use Terraform, Packer, and Ansible to provision custom HPC/AI/ML infrastructure in Google Cloud following our best practices.

I joined the Toolkit in its first round of hires and led the implementation and support for GPU-based AI/ML workloads under Slurm. I prioritize the customer perspective and helped grow the Toolkit from an idea to a fully-supported Cloud Product with significant spend in key segments (e.g., World Labs selection of Toolkit).

Professional Information

Former lives

I joined Google in its Professional Services organization, focused on HPC customers. Examples of my work include:

Before Google, I worked for Univa (acquired by Altair) where I led its Professional Services team. We helped customers adopt Navops Launch to autoscale Univa Grid Engine clusters in the cloud with a focus on life sciences.

At even higher redshift, I managed a team of DevOps engineers at the Center for Gravitation, Cosmology, and Astrophysics supporting the LIGO experiment. LIGO observes black holes and neutron stars through their impact on gravity rather than by light. We were responsible for delivering computing services critical to the collaboration’s scientific objectives. Examples include:
